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After Being Diagnosed With Cancer, This Muslim Millionaire Donated All His Money To Charity Before Dying

He posts the following picture on Instagram with the following caption:


muslimmillionaire dies of cancer after donating money to charity

We all get one chance in this life and when Allah decides to take our soul there is no coming back. We spend more than half our lives in the bathroom and sleeping and the other half at work and waiting in traffic. We have forgotten to atleast leave something for our hereafter build a water well plant a tree donate a quran smile its also a charity anything for the sake of allah so maybe just maybe the day allah wakes us up on the day of judgement we will have something to look forward to that will help us because our family our friends and all the time we waisted in this life will only be a witness against us on the day of judgment why are we so blind why are we so asleep the worse the state of tbe muslims get around the world the more we seem yo sleep love you all for the sake of allah salam.

muslimmillionaire dies of cancer and donated money to charity

But things were never always this way for Banat. Before he was diagnosed with cancer, Ali lead a very luxurious life of a Millionaire. Moving around in fast cars, partying, and all the things that make a happening life, he did it all. But he kind of had a complete heart-transformation after getting ill.

muslimmillionaire dies of cancer and donated money to charity

Right after the doctors gave him the deadline, he visited a country of Africa called Togo where half of the people were below poverty line. He helped those people with their basic needs and also promised himself to dedicate his remaining time to the betterment of human life.

muslimmillionaire dies of cancer and donated money to charity

He initiated building Mazjid for unprivileged Muslims for their educational purpose and also started a non-profitable organization called Muslim Around The World [MATW] which helped the unprivileged needy Muslims.

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