Woman donates kidney to save husband’s life
Specialists at Saudi German Hospital in Jeddah effectively transplanted a given kidney to a French patient, reported Saudigazette.
The 46-year-old patient had been suffering from kidney failure for quite a long while because of a hereditary disease that affected him and some of his sibling
Nawal, 42, given one of her kidneys to her better half, Khalifa Qandouzi, whose disease turned out to be so basic as his blood creatinine level achieved 17.5 mg/dl and he should begin ordinary dialysis if the kidney transplant task did not proceed.
The surgical team described the case as a difficult one. They made pre-surgery evaluation for several months and the post-transplantation follow-up was so meticulous because of the very low tissue matching between the patient and his donor. However, the patient was successfully managed and left the hospital several days after the operation. His blood creatinine dropped to 0.9 mg/dl.
This was the fifth instance of effective kidney transplantation at the clinic.
/ Source: gulfdailynews