Handicapped Saudi Boy donates his stem Cells to save his sister’s life

5-year- old Saudi boy named Ahmed al-Jubran, suffering from Spina bifida himself, showed up as a hero when he could give his stem cells to help save the life of his sisters.
Saudi Arabia boy from al-Ahsa, the dad of the kid revealed to them that the boy suffers a noteworthy illness of Spina bifida which hinders the lower body, reported Al Arabiya English.
The dad included that he had two more older girls of ages 8 and 10 who were additionally suffering from a genetic disease called Beta thalassemias since their initial years.
The two little girls because of their condition require two month to month transfusions and because of numerous transfusions, the senior girl has expanded the dimension of iron in her body.
The specialists need to attach a pump to her body for 12 hours because of which she can't move in those hours.
Image: alarabiya
The dad and the mother of the young ladies were not the matches and consequently couldn't give the stem cells to their little girls. The young boy in the in the mean time previously had numerous operations of the head, and a plastic medical procedure of his spine because of which he wound up disabled.
Ahmed's outcome was a match to the stem cells needed for transplantation. They moved to King Fahd Specialist Hospital where different examination and techniques were completed. The senior daughter underwent a stem cell transplant operation by qualified and experienced doctors.
Image: alarabiya
The senior girl died during an operation: An effective task has just been done on Ahmed for undifferentiated cells extraction. Nonetheless, the senior girl because of a medical complication couldn't avoid the nearness of a dormant germ and eventually couldn't endure and kicked the bucket at ten years old.
Following seven months of the demise of their little girl, they again got a call from King Fahd Specialist Hospital that they are presently prepared to transplant the undifferentiated cells of the other little girl. They informed the hospital facility that they are prepared for the activity.
Dr. al-Do'ama extolled their correct choice and after that completed the required procedures. Ahmed needed to experience anothersurgery for stem cell extraction but with the grace of Allah that was a successful operation.
Image: alarabiya
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