Secrets Meghan And Harry Don't Want Us To Know About Their Relationship

Meghan doesn't want people knowing about her shady past, or rumors surrounding her spending habits.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are soon going to be royal husband and royal wife. And while there’s no doubt that they are very much in love with one another and excited about their future, there are certain things about their relationship that they would rather have you not know, especially considering the kind of environment they now have to live in as a couple. But since this is the internet and some photos never go away and rumors never fully disappear, we’ve got some of Harry and Meghan’s secrets right here.
As we all know, Prince Harry used to have a wild party boy past. He’s not going crazy in Las Vegas hotel rooms anymore, but there is a little bit of that sparkle left in his eye, if you know what we mean. The same applies to Meghan. Even though she’s smart and she’s savvy, some would say that she’s sneaky and shady, too. Meghan always knew what she wanted in life and she is always determined to reach her goals, one way or another. Some people would even go as far as saying that being a member of the British monarchy was one of those goals and all part of her plan this entire time. Here are 20 shameful secrets Meghan and Harry don’t want us to know.
For several long months Prince Harry and Meghan Markle managed to fly under the radar with their romance. Even though Prince Harry is one of the most recognizable celebrities in the world, he managed to go unnoticed while traveling to Toronto to have secret dates with his future wife. Apparently, they met through mutual friends and hit if off from the very start. They did whatever it took to meet each other several times a month, even if it met flying nonstop during crazy hours.
Meghan recalls, “We were very quietly dating for about six months before it became news, and I was working during that whole time, and the only thing that changed was people's perception. Nothing about me changed. I'm still the same person that I am, and I've never defined myself by my relationship."
Right after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle began making headlines for their royal romance, a lot of British citizens were upset that Harry was using royal funds for his secret trips to see Meghan. According to Buckingham Palace critics, the monarchy spends enough money on frivolous things as it is. Harry, meanwhile, has insisted that he spent his own money on his trips to Toronto, but that has never been confirmed. But it doesn’t matter. Harry would have flown to see Meghan anyway!
Speaking about how he wooed Meghan, Harry said, "We had two dates in London last July, and it was I think about three, maybe four weeks later that I managed to persuade her to come and join me in Botswana, and we camped out with each other under the stars."
During the first several months of their relationship, Harry and Meghan had a very hard time seeing each other. After all, Harry is based in London while Meghan splits her time between Los Angeles and Toronto. Sometimes they went several weeks without seeing each other and relied on FaceTime to make their relationship work. Somehow, Meghan managed to make short little trips to London, spend time at Kensington Palace and go unnoticed. Some reports even say that she had special royal clearance, thanks to Prince Harry!
Also, it didn’t take Harry very long to realize that Meghan Markle was the woman of his dreams. To him, it was love at first sight. Harry put it this way, “The fact that I fell in love with Meghan so incredibly quickly is confirmation to me that all the stars are aligned."
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