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Average Monthly Salaries of Expats & Citizens in Saudi Arabia

Average Monthly Salaries of Expats & Citizens in Saudi Arabia

The average monthly salary of the expatriates living in Saudi Arabia is 3,768 Saudi Riyals in the first quarter of 2018 compared to 3,674 in the last quarter of 2017, According to the General Authority of Statistics.


The average monthly salary of Saudi citizens reached 10,089 Saudi riyals in the first quarter of the year 2018 compared to the last quarter of the year 2017, The report said salaries of Saudi citizens raised by nearly 2%. 

- The average monthly salary for Saudi men is 10,289 Saudi riyals and Saudi women is 9,230 Saudi riyals. While in government sector, Saudi men is receiving 11,095 and Saudi women are receiving 10,289 Saudi riyals.

- The average monthly salary of all the men and women employees (Expatriates and Citizens) is 6,210 Saudi riyals in the first quarter of 2018. The report is detailed from Saudi Gazette

- The average monthly salary of Saudi employees in the private sector is 7,197 Saudi riyals while the expatriate employees receiving 3,899 Saudi riyals in monthly average.

- The highest monthly salary for Saudi citizens are for the age group of 50 to 54 years and it is 14,251 Saudi riyals. while the expatriates who crossed 65 years of age is being paid 6,189 Saudi riyals. 

- The report also reveals there are more than 361,000 expatriate employees who are above the age of 60 years. Expatriates constituted about 320,000 of them about 89% while Saudis were 41,055 about 11%.

 /  Source: saudi-expatriates
