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The Color Of Urine Says Everything About Your Health

Orange in Color:
This color is not as normal but it can happen. What causes orange color in urine? An excess of vitamin c in your body. There is too much and your kidneys will filter this excess, and this color will be very characteristic. It happens to you one day, just reduce your consumption of the fruits and vegetables with vitamin c for at-least five days. Reduce but never eliminate.

Blue in Color:
Surprise? As strange as it may seem, this is caused by an excess of calcium or a type of bacterial infection. This tends to happen in people that take vitamin supplements. It causes an excess or small contamination with other substances, and your body will be affected. Be careful with the medication and vitamin supplements that you take. If you notice any changes, ask your doctor.

Red in Color:
Urine that  is red in color is a sign of two things, the first, can be serious, because it can be due to a presence of blood and you will be have to immediately tell you doctor.

It is possible that you have a problem with you bladder or kidneys. A proper diagnosis will always give you the answer. The second cause of this symptom is completely harmless, if you have eaten a lots of beets, berries, blackberries, or even foods with a lot of coloring that day. It is possible that your urine will take on this color. It is essential that you notice if this color repeats over several days. If that is the case, don’t hesitate to see your doctor.

 /  Source: righthomeremedies
