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Benefits Of Black Salt: For Your Hair, Skin And Body

5. Cures respiratory diseases

If you are experiencing respiratory problems due to a clogged nose or a sore throat, use black salt. Just put some black salt in your inhaler and take it twice a day. Inhaling black salt has been recognized as a powerful home remedy for curing respiratory ailments, especially for people dealing with allergies and sinuses.


6. Aids weight loss

So we all know that regular salt, if taken in excess quantities, can lead to weight gain. But there is one way to prevent this from happening, just replace regular salt with black salt. It has a dissolving and disintegrating effect on stomach enzymes and lipids which prevents fat from accumulating.

7. Controls cholesterol levels

If you have fluctuating cholesterol levels, start consuming more of black salt. Black salt promotes blood thinning which improves blood circulation to the entire body. As a result, it reduces cholesterol levels and controls blood pressure.

 /  Source: ndtv
