9 Most Dangerous Foods to Avoid with Diabetes
7. French Fries:
French fries, as well as chicken nuggets, are known as the greasy and deep-fried foods. You should avoid these foods at any cost if you really want to prevent the problem of diabetes. These foods soak the high amount of oil and make you store excess weight gain. They are prepared with carb-rich and starchy ingredients that lead to the sudden spike in the blood glucose level. Also, such foods can cause the issue of developing coronary artery diseases because they are made using the hydrogenated oil that contains harmful trans-fats compounds. You can have nuts, vegetable sticks, crackers, and flaxseed cookies as well.
8. Raisins:
It is also another food that should not be eaten while suffering from diabetes. However, these delicious foods carry a lot of essential nutrients such as vitamin components, fibers, and antioxidants that make you get rid of oxidative stress to an excellent stress. These foods are good for a diabetic patient but it raises the level of blood glucose that is not a favorable thing for them. The natural sugar present in the fruits become more concentrated during the process of dehydration. As a result, consuming them helps in elevating blood glucose level. Hence, it is an ideal solution to lessen the intake of raisins. Also, you should stick to whole grains that supply ample amount of fibers to your body and provide sufficient of mineral and vitamins.
9. Artificial Sweeteners:
A majority of the people that are suffering from diabetes think that artificial sweeteners (aspartame, saccharin, neotame, etc.) are safe ingredients for them. But, they are the worst foods for diabetic patients in reality. Such kind of products harms your body than any other supplement as it lessens the sensitivity of insulin and badly affects your blood glucose level. In added to, it restricts the process of metabolism and does not let the calories to burn. Consequently, it enhances the excess body fat and makes you have obesity and unwanted weight gain. If you are craving a sweet treat, you can opt the products made of real sugar instead of artificial sweeteners. But be careful while doing this practice as you have to keep consuming sugar in moderation.